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  • Writer's pictureYusuke

A drawer full of memories


Here’s a book (second from the right) that Ucchy lent me and I have been reading last year. “My Italian, My French” has been well reviewed in the Media, and it’s more a “My series” written by the restaurant’s management.

I used to dance and at the same time work at an Italian Restaurant before entering WORLD ORDER, and the other day, I went eating with the friend who was working with me in those days, and who has started working in “My Italian” just now, so it was like opening a drawer full of funny stories which were not in the book I read.

We both move in our own directions now, but to meet occasionally and to talk is fun.

Also, we, WORL.D ORDER have opened a new door and are moving little by little to another place. Enjoy ^_^


Yusuke Morisawa

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