Have you all watched our new Video THE NEXT PHASE?
Because we were not allowed to post Pictures of Berlin until it was released, I have many Pictures to post this time.
This work was more difficult than ever before. Specially the last Chorus, when we become slow, the count was very difficult because it was different to each person. So we could not rely very much in the movements of the others, besides we were shooting without sound. So many mistakes we would discover probably just during the editing. We were in Panic!
So now that you know the background story, maybe you’ll discover some little moods in the video. Please report them!
Due to the fact that Genki san will not longer be a Performer in the Music Videos, there was a big anxiety among us, but we believe there are still things to be expressed as a 6 People Group, and we are willing to dedicate much work so everyone can enjoy this future WORLD ORDER. We’ll do our best!
So now the countdown to the weekend begins. Have a great weekend everybody!
Ryuta Tomita
Translated with: http://imtranslator.net/compare/japanese/to-english/translation/