Thank you very much for coming the ART exhibition. I was really glad to meet so many people.
When I talked with them, some made free time in their schedules, or came from a long distance...
I say thank you from my heart. And I appreciate for the great flowers as always.
I displayed the pictures this time, too. And a Book of Snapshots with the title, "Oshanpo" (Strolling).
Also the Work on the Member's photos, was added a full body picture.
It was really busy until preparing, but once the Exhibition started, it came to the end soon, so I felt loneliness same as last year.
Hmm I wish I could hold the exhibition again...Such a thought came upon my mind, about holding the exhibition in various places, so that people from long distance could come... Or I hope to display the works also at the live concert halls.
I/We 'd like to express in various ways from now on too, that I/we appreciate your continued support.
Because of being busy, I forgot taking pics, the ones below were taken during preparations...
Masato Ochiai
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Kindiy translated by: Ayumi. (Thanks a lot!)