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Frozen Memories

Hello, This is me, Ochiai.

This week has come to an end. How was your last one week?

By the way,I appreciate many answers of "What is your treasure?" on last week.

Many people answered "WORLD ORDER" , which surprised me, but I was glad to feel the support of our fans. And many others answered "Family", "Friends". ^ ^ I think they are so important, too!

The answers that put me impressions are as follows.;

"The photo with my crush at the graduation ceremony of junior high school"

"The flute my mother bought when I had entered a brass band club of junior high school "

It is fleeting and longing about a point that we tend to remember some memories of junior high school and not to others.

I cherished my memories of the junior high school days recently, by listening music which I listened in those days. I made the song "Love Kindness and strong heart" by Ryoko Shinohara, my fight song for national tournament when I had been Karate boy.The moment when I suddenly remember the forgotten memories of the junior high school days, gives me a mysterious feeling.

By the way, I heard a rumor that a water fall got frozen, the other day, so I visited there.

The figure that has almost frozen was such a masterpiece, although it was not perfect.

When I see the gorgeous figure at the nearest place, one part of frozen water fall melted suddenly and broke the water, the waves began to attack and as a result my leg got wet.

I felt that nature was so amazing from my heart.

I would like to visit a place to see a frozen Waterfall someday. Where is your superb view?

Please tell me if you like.

Then, let's do our best next week, too.


Masato Ochiai

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Kindly Translated by: Ayumi (Thanks a lot!)

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