Have you watched FIND THE LIGHT ??
As the other members say, the MV was shot in a very tight schedule this time.
There are lots of memories, like when we looked for a shooting place by using WiFi at the hotel by ourselves and so on. To do this, we are grateful to the staff of JAPAN EXPO for their good cooperation. I recognized anew, how very gentle Thai people were.
After all, Thailand is good. Liquor and Food are cheap and good. Here, I upload a Picture of Phad Thai.
Besides the one in the picture, I ate another Pad Thai but I was too excited that I forgot to take a picture... However, this time I found a meal that can't be defeated by Pad Thai, that is:
Pineapple fried rice!
Even If I don't like it sweet inside a meal (for example, pineapple in sweet‐and‐sour pork) I loved it.I
t's called Khao pad sapparod. Everyone, you should eat this dish when you visit Thailand!!
So watch the new MV "FIND THE LIGHT", please!!
Together with the master of ceremonies of a popular program in Thailand.
Ryuta Tomita
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