Good Morning in many, many languages
Riddle please try again!
Brain teasing and fighting this new week too !!!
Q ① : What kind of furniture will make your hands shake?
※Q: My Hand shakes already by carrying a spoon,
Who is this Old Man? →A (Akihiro Takahashi), Hey!
Q② : [Ma-Mi-Mu-Ne-Mo] What am I?
(298th day of 2017)
Early morning, 4:00 am, waking up to the sound of an horrendous wind
Whooooooo.... swooooooosh and...
A low sound of wind, blowing through the window at any moment,
Almost as taking off… a sound like the earth shaking. A true storm, is passing through Kanto this morning
It hasn’t even reached here yet, but this storm... is Super Large
Typhoon No. 21, I wonder if trains and buses will operate...It looks like it will be rough over there...
The Paper Wasps ' nest...
I wonder if it's okay...
Everyone gathered firmly so that the nest is not blown away
It seems to be resisting...
However, I’ve never sensed it before,
such a strong wind sound…
I felt a little perplexed
Heavily pouring rain only…
Today, the temperature rises and it clears up after the typhoon
There was a beautiful sunset, again after a long time...
(299th day of 2017)
This morning, the train was delayed, at the end I had to take the 3rd. one
3rd. class JR BROTHERS it was.
But unlike yesterday's morning...
the sky is vivid, the clouds in the sky and the sun were beautiful.
I might have to be a running man (but I don’t want to)
A pleasant weather Tuesday…
I can only see people's heads on the crowded train
But... the river’s view, on the way back, after the Typhoon the other day...
Many Baseball fields were flooded, And garbage and trees were washed away, It was all scattered and messy..
Many Rescue actions with Helicopter and so, were done.
It was stormy until such a point, at the Tama River
The water color of the river was also brown and muddy...
I felt the terrible nature of the typhoon...
(300th day of 2017)
Today again rain, temperatures did not rise
It was a cold air Wednesday ...
Tonight, after a long time, Fried Noodles…
it was delicious.
(301st day of 2017)
This morning, blue sky and nice weather, though it’s a cold morning
The sunlight on the way back was hot and glaring, only, it was not hot and it felt pleasant
Nice weather, typhoon, sunny, rainy, sunny... tomorrow…?
A Typhoon seems to be approaching Japan though
I’ll have a very hot (spicy) Curry, to get hot too.
(302nd day of 2017)
Today, a calm, gentle, warm weather autumn day.
Today, the sky is also blue, and the sunlight warms through.
Mc Donald’s Nuggets: what are you into? Mustard… or BBQ sauce?Because I have a lot of mustard, now
If you mix a BBQ sauce fraction with Ketchup, it seems that it still tastes like BBQ... and I still have a lot of Ketchup too.
It is raining again every weekend
The weather will collapse, however...
I wish you a calm and friendly weekend ...
(303rd day of 2017)
Cloudy skies, a blank sky Saturday morning.
Then, it began to rain and the air was getting cold
The Wasp Nest beside the staircase was not blown off by the wind
But, because of crows or birds... It fell...
What will happen if it rains, I wonder...
Another typhoon is approaching, however I wonder if it will rain the weekend…
Let’s get warm with Tofu Miso Soup.
(304th day of 2017)
Since this Morning, the heavy rains continue, just as last week
Rainy and cold Sunday
A typhoon that occurs at this time of the year, Ii is somehow strange...
after this, Summer is not coming anymore… but as the typhoon passed, it got hotter again
Today, it’s a whole day-raining Sunday
Everyone, have a gentle Sunday, to the sound of Rain.
Great work for this week, everyone.
The Beginning of a new Week
And, it’s also the end of October
In the New week, and new Month,
may you encounter warm and gentle feelings
and moments to spend
May the coming week have kind days and times,
spent in gentle, warm feelings and winds as ever…
May a gentle wind blow into your heart…
It is going to be okay,
it is going to be alright.
The wind blew
.Let’s live!! \(゜д゜●\)”
【Remember to keep kindness and a warm heart.
May a smiling wind blow throughout the world…
It is going to be okay. It will lead to tomorrow!!】
【May the heart of the people in Mexico, who experienced the awful earthquake
and were so much frightened, be soothed step by step, bit by bit…】
To the new week,
Don’t loose to the rain, don’t loose to the Wind
With warm feelings, take care and
Off we go!
※ (● ° ○ °) The answer to the riddles!
A 1: Table – (テーブル – Teburu) --> (Te = Hand + Buru buru = Onomatopeia for Shaking)
A 2: Glasses –(メガネ – Megane) --> ([め]が[ね] - “Me” ga “Ne” (“Me” is “Ne”)
Dis you get it..?.
高橋 昭博
Akihiro Takahashi
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Translated by Ani (using Online Ressources)