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  • Writer's pictureAki

An exhausting week

Good Morning in many, many languages


((゜▽゜● ) The beginning of a new week.

This week, was doing my best until exhaustion

But it was also Seattle’s great Nature, the Deer, the Moon,

and the warm smiles of the People I felt.

Such a week it was.


(57th day of 2018)

IToday the weather is not good here...

6 fried Cheese Hanpen and Nuggets... Meat eating.

From tomorrow on: Fight!

Today, Shooting since early Morning, Preparations... early to bed, to get early up. Tomorrow, departing at 5:30am, carrying big Luggage.

Off to America.


(58th day of 2018)

Today, heading to Seattle USA in the morning. With the MV-filming Suits, since Narita on to Seattle.

In Seattle, we were also shooting since our early arrival. On the way to the Hotel, as we move away from the City, heavy rain and snowy landscapes. I live the 27th for the 2nd. Time.

The Moon seen from the Hotel Room soothes my heart a bit.


(59th day of 2018)

This morning, it rains and snows, the Landscape remains unchanged.

In the room’s fireplace, something is visible… what is it?

Oh, Darth Vader! A burning Darth Vader...

Today we filmed, rehearsed, and got some Fries,at last,

But I couldn't finish eating

aah… I was healed by the Potatoes tonight.


(60th day of 2018)

Today, performance work.

Snow strongly pours down since the morning. Darth Vader is burning hot today too .

I think we could deliver a great Performance, on a really wonderful stage. At the party afterwards, I had the privilege to present a Tune for the warm Staff. We had been shooting until 1 Minute before…

Strive with all might to get a strong voice, I think we reached to deliver it at the Performance.

To the Gentlemen at Microsoft, to everyone in the Staff, really

Thank you very much.

Even on the way back, we went on shooting until we got on the Plane.

It was the toughest shooting ever. But everyone was doing their very best until the last.

I hope it will get a great shape and reach everyone…

I went back to my room after midnight; outside, pitch dark

Something’s there! A deer herd trotting over the snow!

I was just walking and, having such an encounter… made me really happy.

I was healed by a Deer herd tonight.


(61sth day of 2018)


In the end, checked out without sleeping... SUNCADIA’s snow

From airport to airport... Today as well, in a Suit since the morning,

Shooting until the very take off…

my joints hurt, Total exhaustion… Today too, try to find a little soothing and give all my best.

And then, off to Japan... Fight!


(52nd day of 2018)

In one way or another… sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping

Return to Japan from Seattle, with 17 hours time difference.

Landing in Japan, 17 hours ahead, after a flight of around 11 hours… Where did 6 hours of blankness go…?

From tomorrow on, we’ll be starting the next.

One step at a time, Fight!


(63rd day of 2018)

[Iroaku] (Handsome villain)

(TN: Title of the Theater play Aki san was working on, see Diary Feb.4th 2018)

I was able to appreciate the final day of Performance.

The Show, as well as everyone in the Cast, did touch me with their performance full of soul.

Next, is our turn. Fight!

Is the Beginning of a New Week.

This week too, may it be steady and calm for every one

and the weekly days and hours, be spent in gentle and warm feelings…

May a gentle wind, blows steadily into Everyone’s heart…

It's okay it's okay.

The wind blew... Well,

Let's live! ((* '∇ `*)

【May a gentle breeze blow...

forever all over the world ...】

To the new Week,

With warm feelings, Fight!

Let’s set off…

高橋 昭博

Akihiro Takahashi

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Translated by Ani (using Online Ressources)


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