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Introducing the new WORLD ORDER Members!

Keisuke KIMURA - 木村圭佑

(a.k.a 'Doru')

From: Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.

Born on: December 20th, 1993

Hobbies: Anime, Walking, Japanese dance

(TN: His Nickname: 'Doru' is derived From his Dancer Name ‘Dollar’ [“$”] as pronounced in Japanese)

Dance Career:

Pop Lock Box World tournament’ Finals - The youngest, among the 16 Best

‘Freestyle Session Japan 2016’ - Among the Best 4

‘Dexterity Dance League (World Championship)’ - All styles side Runner-up

● Reason for joining WO:

'I decided to join, because I thought WORLD ORDER’s Choreography and my personal Dance Style would match very well...'

● Impression of WO before joining and after becoming a member:

‘Everyone seems emotionless... → they’re all kind and warm people!’

●Goals and greetings to the Fans:

'I think joining WORLD ORDER is not a goal but a start! I will devote myself, to let you all feel the growth always, so thank you for your support!'

● Others

I would like to change my Nickname so I’d be glad for any suggestions...

(TN: Doru San has decided to keep his usual Nickname, as announced in the

Weekly-Journal from April 13th)

Instagram : @kiram_bop

Twitter : @kiram_bop

Translated by: Ani (using Online Resources)

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