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  • Writer's pictureAki


Good morning in Many, many Languages.

Good Morning!

Monday Riddle!

Question: There is something that the painter Van Gogh had a lot on a hot summer day. Well, what is it?


(Day 217 of 2019)

It’s the beginning of a new week……it’s hot…..

Summer _| ̄|○….

It’s hot…_| ̄|○…...

Matsui (TN: pronounced like “atsui” = “hot”)….ヾ( ´Α`) Hai

To everyone who fights every day…..yellow and black are signs of courage.

Can you fight for 24 hours?… way!

( ゚д゚) Pokan (TN: meaning “stunned” or “surprised”)

This week too, just a little bit, let’s do our best!


(Day 218 of 2019)

Summer _| ̄|○….

It’s hot…_| ̄|○…...

Momoi….ヾ( *゚A゚) SK2

Everyone, please do not melt!

Do you best to hold on!

Puri…._| ̄|○

Eh!!!! (゜ロ゜ノ)ノ

You there….please continue to stand firm over there on what you wanna do, which I am really unable to do… (TN: using the “Kansai dialect”)

Koshien (TN: High School Baseball Annual Tournament in Japan; usually held in Kansai) starts!! It’s a hot summer …..and a page of youth….


(Day 219 of 2019)

I woke up at 5 AM this morning… or more precisely, I had a hard time to sleep…

It was a light sleep…..It’s like this lately…

It’s still hot but with wind today.

My hat was almost blown over many times…. And the train is all packed on my way back, because it is delayed…

It was terrible… everyone wants to go home early……and to be relieved……I understand (*´- `) But…..the crowded train in this heat… exhausting…


(Day 220 of 2019)

(・_・) Clang (・_・) Clang (・_・) Clang

It’s hot……but but but but…..

That doesn’t even matter!

That doesn’t even matter!

That doesn’t even matter……

Hai _| ̄|○…

Awkward _| ̄|○…

Hai (丿 ̄ο ̄)丿……

Mr. Miyao Susumu, maybe! (TN: He became famous for his decision pose by crossing his hands in front of his face, putting the palm of his right hand on his right jaw, and screaming “... Hai!”).

….(・_・) Clang….

OK, off to rehearsal….I will do my best


(Day 221 of 2019)

Even the temperature drops a little and it feels more comfortable… a Friday like that…..but….._| ̄|○ It is still hot……

Such a Friday, let’s eat

Smile Cinderella (TN: Ms. Shibuno Hinako, who won the 1st major Japanese title at the British Women’s Open in 42 years, and was eating “TaraTara Shi Tenchan” during the play) also ate this ((*´▽`)


(Day 222 of 2019)

High school baseball is the youth…..

No matter how old you are, as long as you are alive, you can make your life like youth.

(* ´ ▽ ` *)/ Fight!

But…._| ̄|○ It’s hot… Ah…

Another script was written today…..

It’s the title that I have been talking about in the previous diary…

But I was already talking about the one after next… I want to write…

someday… it will be delivered (_ _ ●)


(Day 223 of 2019)

This week I wrote the diary (in a tone) like a baby instead of Aki-chan.

This week is hot, and my brain is…..It melted \( ・`д・´)

I feel whatever Mr. Kyohei Shibata says, he will look cool….right?

Next time… diary will be in Mr. Kyohei Shibata’s style……

(TN: The actor starring in Aki San favourite Series: Abunai Deka" )

※ Riddle Hint: It is not a sunflower!

The beginning of a new week

May everyone’s new week be calm

And each day and hour be spent

In warm and gentle feelings…

I hope you have peaceful days during the Obon vacation….

The wind has blown

It’s Okay. It’s all good.

Let’s live!!

【May a gentle wind to the future blow into the hearts of children around world…may the war disappear…】

※ Riddle Answer: Sweat

(I know……I can’t draw sunflowers……That’s right….I feel sweaty…/(;´_ゝ`)”\)

To a new week,

Not defeated by the humid and sticky weather,

Have a good day!!

高橋 昭博

Akihiro Takahashi


This was the last Diary Published by Aki San

To access this Original Entry in Japanese, click HERE

(The Original Diary was DEFINITELY CANCELLED from August 16th on.

The comment function was taken down since August 1st, due to Spam attacks.)

Aki San is now on FACEBOOK Be sure to FOLLOW!

Kindly Translated by: Flo C (Thanks a lot!)




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