October 24
Takuro San started a participation as Dancer at the Toyota Booth in the Tokyo Motor Show 2019.
He'll be performing several times a day until November 4th
October 25
An Event hosted by Yusuke San's "D'renty Chocolate" was held in Tokyo, where the Attendees could taste the New 'D'renty' Chocolate Brownie, paired with Craft Beer.
Full Report on the Online Wine Magazine "CAVE" (in Japanese. Open in Google Chrome for automatic translation of the whole Page.)
Photo Credit: Cave Magazine
And Meanwhile, in Osaka...
Shizu San was participating in a Dance Battle! 🕺
(Source: Shizu San Instagram Story)
October 26 & 27
Joyful Announcements from the Members!
Yusuke San reveals his marriage to his long-time partner, and the arrival of a Baby by the end of this Year.
And Ucchy San also reveals his marriage and his one-year old child.
Source: Yusuke San Twitter & Ucchy San Twitter
October 28
The Members were eating together and walking around in the City, looking for...? 🤔
We stay tuned!
Video Source: Yusuke San Instagram & Tomizo San Instagram Stories
Pic Source: Aki San's Facebook
October 29
Doru San presents a New Dance Project and Video. Check it out!
(Check out his new Dance Video on Instagram too! )
And BTW...
Did you know the Videos from the Acclaimed Show "WORLD ORDER in OSAKA 2019"
are still available to DOWNLOAD?
🔥 Grab them HERE! 🔥
And don't forget to FOLLOW the Members on Social Media !
Summarized by: Ani