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  • Writer's pictureAki

The New World

A week of work. Good morning everyone. New week, New month, the beginning of June. And today, the start of the ART Exhibition. Each member of WORLD ORDER showing a different expression. Worked carefully. And I... will be presenting the Illustrations “BOW PEACE THE NEW WORLD”

“A New world, was born this day”

It was a short period of time... the characters and the paintings might be to fine... sigh. But if you keep going, you will see it, if you look carefully.

※ (There is a mistake in a Chinese Character… try to find it! hee-hee-hee-hee) ※

※ (And the ancient Hieroglyphs... try to decode them!) ※

It is displayed in the original laminate (Crescent Island, Machine Island), so please, take it in your hands, look carefully and enjoy it. ('∇ `●)

And for those who can’t come.. (I just thought of this… )

“Jiiji’s Mini Solo-Exhibition” ('∇` ●)


Beautiful sunset. On the evening

I had 2 Mini Pizzas and Fried spicy Ramen on bean sprouts. Sweat dinner hee-hee.

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 1 (Found the Yeti?)


Rehearsal today. It was a hot day, but the sunset is again amazing. Had a recording of Detective Knight Scoop. I was impressed.

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 2 (Found the Big Hood!?)


Hot ~Ui~Ui~Ui. Watched a movie after a long Time “About Time” It is good! I was impressed! A nice work from the Director of “Love… Actually”. I like his work. If you haven’t seen it, try it by all means! It’s nice!

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 3 (Found the Alien?!)


Met my brother on the way home from rehearsal. Miu-chan was playing outside with a ball.

Gave me a delicious caramel. ((° b °-)) Thank you Miu-chan.

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 4 (Tsuchinoko…?!)


Damp and rainy Friday. First rehearsal for the participation on the play “Chaotic Climate” with the 'Kukan-Engi' Theater Company. Different kind of movement, not dancing this time. It was damp and humid in the rehearsal hall, but everybody was enthusiastic and I was thrilled. My abilities are rather poor but the atmosphere was good and I had fun.

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 5 (it’s not an Iriomote Cat)


Hot day… summer clouds in the Sky. Have to leave early, but since the morning the Sun is glaring and hot. And at night… a shaking… a long and loud Earthquake. It felt similar as on 3/11.

Is everyone OK? I was fine but the Earthquake Alarm on the mobile didn’t go off. The lightbulbs on the Kitchen went dark, many things overlap at the same time, got a little heart buzz… Please be careful everyone.

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 6 (it’s not a Person…)


We carried our work into the venue to make the last Exhibition Preparations. Today we had 32° C, I dressed in black and had a full luggage… I was dripping with sweat. Summer is coming.

Mini Solo-Exhibition Nr. 7 (Child point… exhibition begins Yoo~)

Thank you very much for coming to our small exhibition .

A nice day in June… new month… new week. Wish all our guests a steady time, with gentle winds blowing through your hearts and minds. You’ll be fine.

I’ll step into the first Monday of June… Let’s live it!

Akihiro Takahashi



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