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Happy Birthday & Good Luck

(Translators Note: Picture of Japanese comedian, Yuji Tanaka of BakushoMondai.

He appears on NHK TV Show, in the Segment called “TanaKuji”.

“Tana” is abbreviation of Tanaka, and “Kuji (Omikuji)” means sacred lots or paper fortune which tell one's fortune. Japanese people usually buy it at the shrine, especially in New Year.

In such TV segment, Tanaka holds various boards in which proverb and fortune are written coming together and various shots like above picture are played frame-by-frame at high speed.

Viewers take a shot when they like on their smartphone as if they draw sacred lots.

The photo seems to be one Ucchy san took. )

" Excellent luck from gourd " --> Sentence written on the above picture.

(Original proverb is: "Colt /horse comes from a gourd”)

Excellent luck from unexpected place.

Today is...

Today is...

Genki san’s Birthday.

From the lauching of WORLD ORDER… no, from before, he keeps letting me see a happy dream. His attitude, constantly moving forward, is like freedom itself.

We presented him with his favorite food, lots of oysters and abalone.

I hope he eats heartily

For twitter users, please post a Happy Birthday messages to Genki san.

Today is Genki san’s birthday.

Best luck with just that.


Hayato Uchiyama

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Kindly translated by: Kazumi (Thanks a lot!)


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