Good Morning! ヾ(゜∇゜●)ノ″
Good Morning in many, many languages.
It’s the beginning of new week
Today is a public holiday, thus a day that invites a time of rest...
From the middle of last week, I’ve been embraced by warm winds
Feeling cheerfulness in the Spring
It seems like the cherry blossom buds are little by little blooming into beautiful flowers
In all the warmth and happiness
It’s the season of graduation (TL note: School in Japan ends around the end of March)
I hope that this week will be an amazing one...
【Feeling the warmth of Spring \(゜▽゜●)】
74th day of 2016
The new week starts with rain
All day today, the sky is overcast with grey clouds
Rain continued to fall for the entire day
I had garlic chicken potato fries today while purchasing the usual that
Although I hadn’t had it in a while, the fries were tasty as always
Let’s live the week as lively as possible
YEAH!!! \(゜▽゜●)″
75th day of 2016
On my way back today, I got beansprouts and tofu
The prices for beansprouts went from 19 yen to 27 yen
(゜((゜。゜●)″ I looked back and had to check the prices to confirm…
Even then, I purchased two pouches of them...
And I bought the usual worth of tofu
With that being the case, I for sure need to make
Miso soup with tofu and beansprouts...
(● ̄ ▽ ̄)ノ″ I’ve been having that for the last while...
76th day of 2016
Today, with the temperature warmer
The sky is blue, making a nice warm day
This morning, I had
Ani san’s chocolate milk
And some peanut-cream toast...
Today was a calm Spring day
And while there was a curtain of clouds over the horizon in the afternoon...
Today ended calmly, without a single drop of rain.
77th day of 2016
Today, the sky was once again blue and the sun is warm
A day of good weather, a day of warmth
The setting sun’s orange color was also vivid
Today, I added sauce on top of the ham deep-fried cutlet I purchased yesterday
Crunch crunch, munch munch (゜〇゜●)゛
Oh, how delicious!!!
78th day of 2016
I feel the Spring with the warm air it offers...
A blue sky on Friday morning, with white clouds flowing in the evening, and finally rain fell at night...
I think most of the children must have gone to their graduation ceremony today...
I’m glad the midday was sunny.
I hope everyone’s graduation went well...
Let’s celebrate how great today was! \(゜∇゜●)/”
I had lots of toast today.
Ham deep-fried cutlet toast with miso soup
Peanut-cream toast and chocolate toast
I’m a Jiiji who has eaten too much bread today...
79th day 2016
Rain fell hard today
( ̄∇ ̄●;)゛
Thus, we had a WORLD ORDER dance lesson at the Aeon Mall Makuhari New City, in Chiba.
When I arrived, there was so much rain that the station front was flooded like a river...
Everyone, even in that rain, gathered among the multitude of people
And while the time was short, it was a very heartwarming time
Thank you very much.
And to everyone who had come, even the cute and healthy children,
They had tried their hardest when dancing that everyone remembered the dance to a song. They were all very good (゜▽゜●)゛
Even in the rain, I thank the fathers and mothers for their time
The rain had stopped on my way home
The vivid sun slowly sank over the horizon
Today was a fantastic day.
Thank you very much.
80th day of 2016
Today was a Sunday of cloudiness
The air was warm today, with the sun peaking through the clouds in the afternoon
A marvelous Sunday
From yesterday, it’s been a three-day holidays, and I welcome it...
Yesterday, nearby the Tokyo bullet train station I went to,
There were so many people, that we were packed.
Today is the middle of the three-day holiday
So I pray that today will be a warm and kind Sunday...
[Chocolat ショコラ]
I received word from my younger brother today...
Yesterday, because of a sickness, Chocolat had died in the hospital
Last summer, the little Chocolat arrived at my brother’s residence
Not even being one-year old, she was fighting a sickness with her small body
She was hospitalized due to a sudden change in conditions yesterday,
And I hadn’t seen her ever since New Year day…
I never though the New Year would be the last time I would see Chocolat.
While I had shown Chocolat’s cute face throughout these Diary entries
We will not be able to see it together anymore...
But I’m sure up in the heavens, Chocolat is happily running around with her cute face
While cheering on for Miwa-chan and Ryo-chan’s health
While this may have been a sad announcement,
But since Chocolat had been introduced in the Diary entries…
I apologize…
Chocolat is happily living up in heaven (゜▽゜●)゛
May everyone and their family always be healthy and smiling…
A new week is coming, and today is a holiday
I wonder how everyone else is doing.
There are some who must be working still,
Along with those outside the house and others resting at home
May everyone spend a kind and gentle new week, never changing from its brilliance
May each day and hour of the week be filled with warmth
This week, may a gentle wind keep blowing in your heart...
It’s alright!! It’s alright!!
The wind has blown...
Now feel it…
Now live your life!! (゜∇゜●)″
【May the world be embraced in kind and warm smiles...】
To a new week
To those resting and those working...
Be careful on your assorted journeys
高橋 昭博
Akihiro Takahashi
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Kindly Translated by: Green Moriyama (Thanks a lot!)