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The pleasure of reading

Thankfully, I’m absorbed in reading these days.

I sometimes get books as a gift and they are all so interesting. I enjoy reading, and at the same time learn so much.

I find what I think and want to say written in books and feel so good. That makes me quite happy and aware, and inspires me

I cant’show you all books I recommend, they are all important for me.

And I also read novels.

In the books of Yoko MURE, I feel a consistent mindset and empathize it. So, I enjoy reading her books

And the book titled “Saraba!”by Kanako NISHI is so interesting.

Getting drawn into the book, I read it over quickly, especially Volume 2.

The last words of the main character are overlapped with the ones of Miss Nishi (Author) and I’m so moved by its strong writing.

Books are great, aren’t they?

"Flipping a page,

Captivated by Reading

Under a summer sky"


Hayato Uchiyama

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Kindly translated by: Kazumi (Thanks a lot!)


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