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Traveling Bear

Good Morning in many, many languages.


It is the start of a new week.

Last week, some days during it

felt like summer had returned, With its hot sun.

But over in Hokkaido, based on the forecast,

It’ll be cool and refreshing at 10℃…

With all the weather and temperature going around the world…

The Earth is very busy...

【I’m a bear, on a trip (´ω`●)” 】


(277th day of 2016)

This morning, I split a slice of bread in half

And tossed it into the oven… only for it to become burnt…It’s very difficult to toast this bread in the oven.

It burn when I’m not looking…

Goodness, it’s so soft and delicious…

Now, let’s live this new week with warmth.


(278th day of 2016)

Today, we went to some film shooting.

A twenty minute walk from the station, I believe…

Since the morning, the sunshine has been strong, Causing the temperature to rise bit by bit back into summer. On such a day,

I happen to carry a heavy load...

Even with sweaty hands,

I open the map on my cellphone…

And midway, the app closes on me… I’m a lost child…

no, a lost man…

But by chance, I see Ucchy walking with his cellphone in hand, looking around like a lost grandpa.

With me, Jiiji, and Ucchy the grandpa, We were able to safely reach the studio,

Starting our long day…However, it ended up being a fantastic film shooting.The scenery during this shoot will be in our members’ Diary. Along with being a bonus footage for our

LIVE Blu-ray…

It will eventually be seen by everyone,

I also got my own reserved on Amazon… (゜▽゜●)”


(279th day of 2016)

Today is a not-so-hot morning.This morning,

I’m unable to shake off

My fatigue from yesterday…Even with the alarm clock ringing…

I wasn’t able to fully wake myself up this morning…

It’s been a while, but today,

I put on a rucksack,

If I tried having such a pack during the summer, It would be too hot and sweaty…

Yet, today, I was fine…

While it became a bit hot during the afternoon…

The wind started blowing strong by nighttime, Causing the windows to clatter and shake…

Almost making me think it’s a wind strong as those During the typhoon.


(280th day of 2016)

The gust of wind was only momentous, with a shining sun

On this beautiful morning with a blue sky and floating clouds. There are scaly clouds, along with clouds that look like they were raked away…

again, today is hot…

A temperature like the summer. A sunshine stronger than Tuesday’s...

With last night’s wind gone, it’s a blazing Thursday.


(281st day of 2016)

I was able to bake some good bread this morning…Because I looked at it throughout…

Although today’s weather is nice…From tomorrow on, it’ll drop about 7℃.

Under the sunshine, it might be warm , But the shade will also be breezy and refreshing.

On my way home, there was trouble in Shibuya…

There were lots of police vehicles…

A blockade had been made around the Scramble Crossing, Causing all traffic to stop there…

There were a lot of people and policemen there…

Some of them wondering what’s happening…

In the end, it was a bomb threat…

What a scary world we live in…

I had thought it was a parade for the medalists, But it was the complete opposite kind of event...


(282nd day of 2016)

Today started with clouds and moved onto rain, and ending with a blue sky...

what a busy Saturday sky.

At night, I watched “Stonehearst Asylum”

I’ve heard that the last part would betray my expectations, So I had many expectations in mind…

But it was completely different... all the actors play their part well, And made the best of the film. The actors who play two professors from “Harry Potter” also appeared.


(283rd day of 2016)

The morning of Sunday begins with rain.

The wind started picking up last night.

The rain lifted during the afternoon to a cloudy sky,

And the clouds cleared at night.

Tonight, I’m having cooked food from home,

And when I put it in the oven, the egg popped…

I was surprised


Now, tomorrow will be a day for the Sports event…

I wonder if it will be a clear day…

Thank you everyone for your hard work this week.

This past week had been either windy,

Or hot as the summer or wet from the rain…

A busy weather it has been.

I wonder how this week will become...

May everyone enjoy the new week with warmth and kindness...

May each day and hour of the week Be filled with kindness and gentleness...

May a gentle autumn wind… kindly blow in everyone’s heart...

It’s alright. It’s alright.The wind has blown.

Now, live your life! ((゜∇゜●)”

【May the world be swept with a wind of smiles… filled with kindness and warmth…】

【Once again this week… one step at a time… may today continue… onto tomorrow…】

For those on a holiday or those simply resting,

To a new week…

Have a safe journey!!

高橋 昭博

Akihiro Takahashi

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Kindly Translated by: Green Moriyama (Thanks a lot!)


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