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Smoke and Rainbows

When I went home to Niigata in September, my niece was singing "Rainbow" with sign language in Choir practice so the song ​is ​stuck in my head.

La La La

Rainbow, Rainbow in the sky You,

You feel cheerful

Surely, will be fine tomorrow

Surely, will be fine tomorrow

The lyrics are simple so it makes me bright.

Another Niece was sleeping on my knees at the same time. When she woke up, she repeatedly said,

"I sweat a lot. I sweat freely." Then I looked at where she was: My pants got very wet! I laughed a lot.

I remembered that.

It's been so cold recently, I haven't turned on my air-con at all this summer. When I talk about it, people worry about me, but I used a fan.

Also, it's been surprisingly cool and comfortable out of downtown, it's been only a little hot summer nights.

I got a Smoking Clay Pot for my birthday, so my smoking life has begun. Irresistible.

I drink Tea made from smoked Tea leaves, called LAPSANG SOUCHONG, which are the same as in the Earl Grey.

"Smoke to eat, Smoke to drink."

No longer, and you can smoke myself entirely.


Hayato Uchiyama

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Kindly Translated by: taro (Thanks a lot!)


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