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Coffee, sweets, spring & a lonely survivor

Good Morning in many, many languages.


This week, I felt the spring merry weather,

And then it got chilly again…

The wind blew strongly…

Somehow zigzag, but still getting cold.

Your name...( Reference to the Movie Title)


(44th day of 2017)

[That… everything is so big…]

Today, early morning, heading to to Nagoya... unpleasantly cold.

And Nagoya is also a little cooler than Kanto.

Like an old Movie Gangster,

I hang out in a cool Coffee Shop

and get me a Coffee,

which comes along with some peanuts.

Today, we have pleasant weather in Nagoya too.

Although just for a single evening, I ate Chicken Wings

I wonder if I can relax a little bit...

Tomorrow, I will only buy some Akafuku and get back home.


(45th day of 2017)

[Bye then… until some day…]

Rainy skies over Nagoya this morning

At the Coffee shop I was yesterday, I got Coffee

with Peanuts… of course.

What a stylish Coffee I’m in,

A Coffee shop to settle down…

トAnd then, I get the right Akafuku Miu chan and Ryosuke will be delighted too, I hope

Today, it was Valentine’s Day…

To Niinii… from Miu Chan, I got

Hand-made Chocolate too.

In the evening, at my parent’s home, I had a Valentine’s Day

talk with Miu Chan…

she smirks embarrassed in the middle of it… and runs away…

I wonder if Ryosuke noticed it…

2 people who care about Niinii, on Valentine’s Day


(46th day of 2017)

[Ah…. uhm... Again… Who… Tears… Flow]

Today it’s a blue skies, nice weather Wednesday.

In the morning I have Akafuku with coffee.

Of course, this week, is a Jiiji Bread week too.

I toast an Egg Sandwich crispy in the oven

as expected, it's just delicious…

What…now… I felt, that I dreamt for a moment]


(447th day of 2017)

[I don’t know why, but I feel like we can’t see each other anymore...]

We had nice weather with a blue sky today again. The temperature rose a little bit, warming us up. The “Akafuku”’s expiration date is today… that’s fast. I can’t eat eight of them all by myself.

The bread which I had today had a whole potato in it.

And this week again, I had Miso soup with tofu.

Recently, this kind of meal has become my comfort food.

Corn soup or stew might taste better with bread than Miso soup, but...


(48th day of 2017)

[That day, 15 years ago]

A wind was howling this morning, the first storm of spring.

One. Two. Three. Go..!!!

It was a windy Friday, but it was really warm today. I was sweating in the crowded train…

Right after I got off the train, I took off my Blouson and I didn’t need it for the rest of the day. Blouson Chiemi… no, no…

my Blouson was left hanging on my bag.

It feels like spring is just around the corner. However, the temperature will fall by about 10 degrees Celsius tomorrow and it will get cooler again… Everyone...even with the unstable weather, I hope you are all doing well. May your weekend be filled with warmth…


(49th day of 2017)

[On that day...the city disappeared...Now, it is under the water...]

The temperature fell since yesterday and the air became cold again. However, the sky was blue, a calm Saturday.

Today, I rode the train to Shin Station. This was my second time going to this station, which is unmanned.

There are only one or two train services per hour. The trains are operated with two cars, like the trains in the countryside. However, unlike on the countryside trains, we were not able to see the beautiful view of the ocean or peaceful rice fields because we rode through the factory area.

Even so, lots of people ride these trains…

I am not used to riding this line;

it felt a little strange for me.


(50th day of 2017)

[There survivor...]

I woke up at 5 o’clock this morning…

A morning person, on Sunday…

It was still dark outside, and the air felt cold. From the bathroom window, I could see the clear, beautiful moon. The weather seems nice today…

Everyone, let’s have a heartwarming weekend and live a new week with warmth as well. It seems like we are going to have bad weather on Monday, but it may become a warm day.

Great work last week, everyone.

A new week starts…

I’m wondering if we’ll have warm or cold weather this week…

Spring is getting closer little by little.

May each day and each hour of the new week

be filled with peace and warmth as usual…

May a gentle wind blow softly into everyone's heart…

It is going to be okay,

it is going to be alright.

All will be well!!!

The wind has blown.

Let’s live!!(/”●゜Д゜)ノ”

【Remember to keep kindness and a warm heart. May a smiling wind blow throughout the world….】【May your week be filled with warmth that, with each step you take, will lead you into tomorrow….】

To the new week….

Take care….

Off we go!!

高橋 昭博

Akihiro Takahashi

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Translated by: Hiromi. (Thanks a lot!)


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